31 Minutos

31 minutos is a Chilean children’s television programme and franchise which takes the form of a mock news broadcast, and is fronted by puppets who present various items. It was first aired in March 2003 on Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN) and TV Chile. The programme was devised by Álvaro Díaz and Pedro Peirano and produced by Aplaplac. 31 minutos has achieved considerable success in Chilean television, captivating adult viewers as well as children. The sarcastic and carefree humor along with the producers’ reputation in Chile of being the essential part of the extinct programme Plan Z, aired about a decade before, earned the series immediate acceptance among the public and helped boost its popularity, being considered a spiritual successor of sorts of that earlier show. Part of the show’s success with more adult audiences is due to its use of double entendres, parody and sarcasm.

The puppets of 31 minutos represent ironic imitations of famous chilean television celebrities and there are many references to incidents or television events which characterized Chile in the 1980s and 1990s. – Wikipedia




Percy Mamani – El huerfadrino

Cápara Sonia – Mundo interior

Eustaquio Renato – Amurrao

Making Of 31 Minutos